The atlas-to-template warping technique used here for the creation of five atlases was initiated with linear registration of the histologically-derived atlas to five T1-weighted high-resolution MRI templates20 (as described in Chakravarty et al. (2006)). By identifying homologous landmark-pairs, linear transformations are estimated to map the atlas to each MRI using a 12-parameter transformation (3 of each of translations, rotations, scales, and shears). After accounting for global differences with the linear registration, the remaining morphological differences between the atlas and the templates were accounted for using nonlinear registration to further refine the fit between the atlas and each template. However, the inherent differences in contrast and morphology presents a challenge for customization of the histology-derived atlas to MRI templates. To account for these differences, pseudo-MRIs were created by manually assigning an intensity value to each label value of the atlas based on the intensity of the matching structure in MRI template for which it is registered to. This remapping of the atlas labels to match the intensity profile of the templates allows the nonlinear registration algorithm to treat the atlas as a standard input MRI. Figure 1 details an overview of the atlas-to-template warping technique, from linear transform to pseudo-MRI to final fit.
Dx Atlas 23 Serial Number
Atlas of the striatum, globus pallidus, and thalamus derived from a histologically-derived atlas (Chakravarty et al., 2006) was warped to each of the five high-resolution T1-weighted MRI reference brain scans using linear registration, pseudo MRI creation, and nonlinear registration.
The five subcortical atlases were averaged to obtain a model atlas in which was used to derive surface representations of the striatum, globus pallidus and thalamus. (a) presents a superior view, (b) presents an inferior view, (c) presents a posterior view and (d) presents an anterior view of the bilateral striatum, globus pallidus and thalamus.
The code for creation of the atlases is accessible through our Figshare repository (Data Citation 1). The ANIMAL script details the commands for the nonlinear registration step of the atlas-to-template warping technique. The resulting atlases contain 108 subcortical structures, all of the structures present in the histologically-derived atlas23 (Data Citation 1). The final atlases of the striatum, globus pallidus and thalamus, in which will be used as input atlases for the automated segmentation pipeline MAGeT-Brain, were generated using the mask script, also available in our Figshare repository (Data Citation 1).
Moreover, these files are also located on our GitHub repository as these atlases and surface representations are to be used with MAGeT-Brain ( ). The atlas labels and surface representations for the striatum, globus palidus and thalamus can be found at -atlas-subcortical, while the five high-resolution MRI templates can be found here ( ), along with our other atlases created using the same MRI templates, namely our hippocampal subfields and white matter atlases (Winterburn et al., 2011, Pipitone et al., 2014 & Amaral et al., 2016), as well as the cerebellar atlases (Park et al., 2014).
One of the five subcortical atlases, which will be used as input for MAGeT-Brain, is shown above detailing the three subcortical structures of interest (the striatum, globus pallidus and thalamus) on both hemisphere.
Scoliosis is usually confirmed through a physical examination, an x-ray, spinal radiograph, CT scan or MRI. The curve is measured by the Cobb Method and is diagnosed in terms of severity by the number of degrees. A positive diagnosis of scoliosis is made based on a coronal curvature measured on a posterior-anterior radiograph of greater than 10 degrees. In general, a curve is considered significant if it is greater than 25 to 30 degrees. Curves exceeding 45 to 50 degrees are considered severe and often require more aggressive treatment.
A number of factors can lead to increased surgical-related risks in older adults with degenerative scoliosis. These factors include the following: advanced age, being a smoker, being overweight and the presence of other health/medical problems. In general, both surgery and recovery time are expected to be longer in older adults with scoliosis.
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) : Fusion can sometimes be performed via smaller incisions through MIS. The use of advanced fluoroscopy (X-ray imaging during surgery) and endoscopy (camera technology) has improved the accuracy of incisions and hardware placement, minimizing tissue trauma while enabling a MIS approach. It is important to keep in mind that not all cases can be treated in this manner and a number of factors contribute to the surgical method used.
CosMx SMI is the first high-plex in situ analysis platform to provide spatial multiomics with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and fresh frozen (FF) tissue samples at cellular and subcellular resolution. CosMx SMI enables rapid quantification and visualization of up to 1,000 RNA and 64 validated protein analytes. It is the flexible, spatial single-cell imaging platform that will drive deeper insights for cell atlasing, tissue phenotyping, cell-cell interactions, cellular processes, and biomarker discovery.
Shown here are the transcripts detected per cell in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) FFPE tissue probed with a 1000-plex gene panel (left) and total transcript distribution in the NSCLC tissue (right). CosMx SMI offers high sensitivity and high dynamic range to capture low copy number gene transcripts at the single cell level.
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