Pre-shared key WPA and WPA2 remain vulnerable to password cracking attacks if users rely on a weak password or passphrase. WPA passphrase hashes are seeded from the SSID name and its length; rainbow tables exist for the top 1,000 network SSIDs and a multitude of common passwords, requiring only a quick lookup to speed up cracking WPA-PSK.[31]
Brute forcing of simple passwords can be attempted using the Aircrack Suite starting from the four-way authentication handshake exchanged during association or periodic re-authentication.[32][33][34][35][36]
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Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms.
When brute-force methods are impractical, cracking tools will use templates that have been developed by looking at databases of hundreds of millions of cracked passwords to perform targeted guessing. Without password-composition rules or blacklists in place, in the face of these cracking tools the only recourse the end user has is to be aware of these commonly known patterns and develop an unpredictable password.
To resist off-line attacks, users should compose passwords that are as long and complex as the system allows. Each character beyond the minimum required by the system increases the difficulty in cracking the password. 2ff7e9595c